Hello Friends! Welcome to my little side of the Internet! My name is Allison Chapp.

My all time greatest joy in life is that I am the mom to the sweetest little boy, married to my best friend and have the sweetest dog; Harper.  My husband and I grew our family through adoption after a long story of unexplained fertility struggles. One of my goals is to help women who identify with the same struggles to know that they are not alone and walk through mom life together.

I have the privilege of being a nanny.  Nanning has been my main passion in life and I have over 10 years of experience.  I nannied all throughout college and when my husband and I decided to start trying to grow our family I decided to go back to it so that I could have a job that would let me stay home with my child; which has been one of my best decisions ever.  Being able to stay home with my little one and come alongside other families in bringing up their little ones is an ultimate dream.

Random Favorites:

Food– Chips and salsa

Drink– Coffee and Mountain Dew

Show– Gilmore Girls

Guilty Pleasure TV Show– Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Movie– Crazy Rich Asians

Book– Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty

Color– Pink

Favorite Vacation– Cruising

When my husband and I married about 10 years ago and created our home I learned that I love DIYing and home decor.  I love that you can showcase your unique personality through your own design style.  Someone can see and feel who you are just by walking into a room in your house.  This blog will be a housing place for us to learn and design together.

If you have any questions or comments please email me at allisonchappblog@gmail.com or fill out the form below. I would love to hear from you!

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