Advise For a First Time Mom

Pieces of Advice For A First Time Mom

So you are looking for some advice for a first time mom. You are probably a new mom (or about to be one)then, welcome to motherhood! Motherhood can be amazing, but it can also be hard. Those first few months after becoming a new mom were some of the hardest for me. Here are a few pieces of advice for being a new mom. Hopefully, the advice I have for you as a new mom will help you through those first few months. And always remember you are the best mom for your sweet baby!

12 Pieces of Advice for a New Mom

1 – It’s okay to ask for help

The saying “it takes a village” really comes to life once you become a parent. Remembering to ask for help is so important. You are not a failure if you ask for help! 

A few examples of things you might ask help for are:

  • Hold your baby while you take a shower.
  • Have a friend or family member set up a meal train so you do not have to think about cooking dinner for a couple of weeks.
  • Fill and empty your dishwasher. Sometimes it is the little things you need help with.

2 – Get out and about

I do not know about you, but I feel cooped up when I feel like I can not leave my house. It can be hard when you are not used to staying home for days at a time, like when you have a new baby. For your mental health get outside. 

Go for a walk, move, and stretch your legs. Getting a change of scenery and some fresh air can change your mood greatly. If you feel like you are not ready to quit take a walk sit in your backyard, on your porch, or anywhere you can easily get outside.

3 – It’s okay if you don’t bond on day one

Honestly hour. I am one of those moms who did not bond with my baby from the moment I held him. I may have a different story of becoming a mom than you since we grew our family through adoption, but my husband had that bond with our son from the moment they locked eyes.

Although it is okay and normal to not bond right away, when you see other moms bond with their babies from the very start or your husband bond right away, it can be very hard. Trust me your bond will come.

Take your time with your new baby and the bond will come. Do skin-to-skin. Feed your baby whether you choose to breastfeed or bottle feed the bond will come either way. Change your baby’s diapers and clothes. Sometimes the bond just takes time and is not an instant thing. It in no way means you do not love your baby, just be patient. Your bond with your baby will come soon!

4 – Sleep when you can

The saying sleep when the baby sleeps is deeply true. The laundry, dishes, and whatever else is on your mind can wait. Right now the most important thing is your child and your child needs you to sleep for you to best take care of them. Once your baby starts sleeping through the night or at least sleeping longer stretches you can start using your baby’s naps to get things done. Until then take your time and rest!

5 – It’s okay to take a break

Being a mom 24/7 is hard work (especially when you are running on little sleep). Take a break if you need to. Let your partner, friend, or family member take over care for a minute. Go to a store, take a nap, take a walk around the block, or even just go for a drive by yourself. Give yourself the chance to breathe.

6 – Give yourself grace

Everything won’t get done and that’s okay. Give yourself grace! The fact that you are keeping a new human alive is amazing! Do not sweat the small things, the most important thing is that you are being an amazing new mom.

7 – Remember Long Days, Short Years

When I heard people say the days are long, but years are short I believed them but did not really understand them. Well, as a parent as an almost two year old at the time I am writing this, I understand them now. In the moment of a hard day keep this saying in the back of your head. While it may hard in the moment somehow you will miss these moments as your child gets older. You will not remember the hard moments, but instead the good moments (and their sweet little hands and feet).

8 – Shop Online

The internet will become your best friend. I do not need to tell you that online shopping is amazing, but once you become a new mom it becomes even more awesome. Use that same-day delivery on Amazon, when you realize you are almost out of diapers. Get your groceries delivered or use pick-up. Order from Uber Eats. There are so many ways to make your life easier during the early stages of the newborn life and online shopping is definitely one of them!

9 – Take lots of pictures

Normally I stand by not being glued to your phone, but in this instance having your phone nearby is a good thing. Take as many pictures as you can! As stated before your baby is only small for such a short time, capture those sweet small moments!

10 – Don’t Compare yourself or your child to others

The compare game can be a hard one to not join, but do not do it. Every mom and every child is different. No baby has the same sleeping habits, cry, or really anything. While it is okay to take advice from others remember that your baby is your baby and you know him or her best.

11 – Don’t forget to take care of yourself

Taking care of a new baby is hard and a lot of work. It can be very easy to forget about yourself and not take care of yourself. Give yourself a moment to take a shower, wash your face, and/or do a face mask. Doing some of those simple things can help you feel more like yourself and will help you take better care of your new baby.

12 – You got this!

You are the best mom for your sweet new baby. Being a new mom can be hard, but remember you got this!

Advice For A New Mom

Some pieces of advice for a new mom are good and some are not. Make you sure trust yourself and those closest to you when it comes to listening to different pieces of advice.

Hopefully, the advice I have you today will be helpful to you and are all the good kind! You are going to be an amazing mom! Just by looking up advice for a new mom shows me how much love you already have for your new little one!

If you are looking to help yourself and remember you are amazing, here is a post on Biblical Affirmations to help! I also have come up with a printable PDF of all the affirmations to go along with it. I think it will help you as well as you join us in motherhood!

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